Denver has been experiencing a boom in the construction industry in recent years, particularly in the multi-family sector. As a result, Denver and surrounding cities’ building departments have been overwhelmed by the volume of permit applications and inspections, causing delays and backlogs. In addition, the market is still feeling the effects of an unprecedented pandemic that disrupted global supply chains and caused shortages of essential materials such as lumber, steel, and concrete, leading to inflation and cost escalation.
Despite these challenges, Pinkard has managed to navigate the complex and competitive Denver market and deliver successful multi-family projects. According to Leighton Neff, Chief Preconstruction Manager at Pinkard Construction, "When our client's project slips, it costs both of us money, so it is extremely important that we collaborate with the client and architect to make sure we expertly navigate the permitting process."
One of the company's strategies to overcome the challenges is to leverage its experience, expertise, and relationships with clients, design partners, subcontractors, and suppliers. Pinkard Construction has also been using technology such as cloud-based software to streamline its processes and communication. In addition, the company has been implementing lean construction principles, including prefabrication, modularization, and just-in-time delivery, to optimize resources and minimize waste.
The results speak for themselves. In the first six months of 2023, Pinkard broke ground on four complex multi-family projects in just six months, poised to deliver over 700 new units of market rate and affordable housing. These projects are the Krisana Apartments, a 151-unit affordable housing project in southeast Denver; the Akin Golden Triangle, a 12-story, 98-unit building in downtown Denver; the Akin Tennyson, an 83-unit luxury apartment project in northwest Denver; and the Willoughby Corner, a 400-unit affordable housing project in Lafayette near Boulder (Pinkard is currently working on phase one, 192 Units).
These projects demonstrate Pinkard's commitment to building quality and sustainable communities while overcoming the challenges of building in Colorado. Tony Burke, president of Pinkard Construction, said, "Denver and the surrounding areas are vibrant and dynamic, offering many opportunities for growth and development. With the recent escalation in the housing market, more inventory is desperately needed if we are to continue to grow and attract great talent to our area. We are excited to be part of this transformation and contribute to Colorado’s prosperity."
Pinkard Construction's ability to navigate the permitting process, overcome material shortages, and implement innovative construction practices has allowed it to deliver successful multi-family projects in Denver. The company's commitment to collaboration, technology, and sustainability bodes well for its future in the Denver market and beyond.