Arapahoe High School Gymnasium Addition
Littleton, CO, USA
Littleton Public Schools
9,850 Sq. Ft.
K12, Recreation, Locker Room, Gymnasium, Structural Renovation, Major Building Systems Retrofit, Renovation, Occupied, Addition
New gymnasium with a competition basketball court, three practice volleyball courts, and four rows of bleachers
1,750 sf locker room expansion for the Women’s Athletic programs
PACE Special Needs Classroom expansion and MEP upgrades
Business Department Remodel with new computer labs, lecture space, and offices
Replacement of all student, staff, and athletic lockers
Wrestling/weight room remodel, reconfiguration, and MEP upgrades
Theatre seating replacement
Concrete/site repairs
ADA upgrades
Life-safety upgrades
Replacement of various MEP systems including:
Swimming pool HVAC
Science Wing AHU’s
Kitchen, computer room, gymnasium, art, and wood shop
Hot water boilers, pumps, and domestic water heating system