With “normal” mid-rise construction, a building has to be completely dried-in before electrical rough-ins can begin. This means that the building shell has to be completely insulated from the elements by roofing and walls.
But, On VIDA Senior Living, Pinkard proposed to individually weather-protect each floor by using two concrete decks above as the roof, hanging heavy concrete blankets to act as temporary exterior walls, and funneling stormwater through toilet sleeves. This approach would allow electrical installations to begin weeks earlier.
While this approach is common in high-rise construction, it was (apparently) a radical and suspect approach in the eyes of the City and County Denver building inspectors.
After considerable haggling and persuasion, we got permission from the City and County with one stipulation: “If I find one teaspoon of water inside, I’m shutting you down!”
Pinkard’s plan worked exactly as planned. No water intrusion; electrical rough-ins started weeks ahead of schedule, and Pinkard made huge gains in the schedule.